Friday, March 18, 2011

"You so feisty they should call you Alexandra Great Wall...ace."

So I figure by now we've all heard about the "Asians in the Library" rant? (If not, watch it because the jokes will make more sense that way. After you're done being outraged, come back here.)

I'm not really into most Youtube singer-songwriters, nor did I find a lot of the responses I saw posted around the blogosphere particularly funny, so I wasn't going to watch this video.

[Jimmy Wong - "Ching Chong (It Means I Love You)"]

But I'm glad I did. I found this on Angry Asian Man, who compared it to Flight of the Conchords... and I really have nothing to add to that, because I completely agree and love this just as much. Ching chong, Jimmy Wong.

Speaking of, this is as good a time as any to post a FOTC song. Not that I would ever need an excuse.

[Flight of the Conchords - "Think About It"]


  1. OH MY GOD, that response video wins the internet HANDS DOWN. When he speaks insults into the microphone, it's actually kind of sexy. Haha. xD

    At times like these, I feel slightly ashamed that I study polisci. The girl's breasts are probably larger than her brain!

  2. Right?! He's so cute.

    I'm a poli sci minor, so I had the same reaction. However, I am also slightly ashamed that, despite how awesome this response is otherwise, he spelled it "Poly Sci," which is a really big pet peeve of mine. No, Jimmy Wong, it's political science, not the study of an amalgamation of multiple sciences. But nobody's perfect.
