Saturday, November 20, 2010


So! I saw Clara C perform tonight. For those of you who haven't heard of her, she's a quirky manic-pixie-dreamgirl of a singer-songwriter who's really gone places in the past year--she won Kollaboration 10 and performed at the White House in May.

Also, She's ADORABLE. Seriously, if you ever get the chance to see her perform, go! To use an awkwardly composed simile, watching her perform is like having a guitar-and-trumpet-and-xylophone-etc.-playing sunbeam bounce into your life.

["Offbeat" - Clara C]

Among all the instruments I just mentioned, she also plays that Casio keyboard thing attached to tubing that you see in this video... which I cannot identify. Any guesses?

ETA: Google Search and an obscure New Zealand store's site tells me it's some sort of mouth organ!

["Use Somebody + Fallin' For You" - Clara C]

This cover really shows how pretty her voice is, I think.

Oh. And. Did I mention she teaches autistic kids? It's unfair how perfect she is.


  1. I agree, she is adorable! I'll be posting soon... thanks for keeping this blog alive Emily! :)

  2. sooooo jealous! did she perform on campus? what does ETA mean? also, google search tells me it is a melodica!

  3. Yeah, she performed at our annual ASA show.
    ETA means "edited to add."

    Oh wow! I've never heard of melodicas... or melodeons, though the Wikipedia post for "Melodica" makes me feel like I should have.
